Archive for category maintenance

Ethanol Gasoline in Small Lawn Mower Engines

Does ethanol damage lawn mower engines?

As lawn care business owners, we strive to provide proper maintenance for our lawn equipment. Equipment engine oil is changed regularly. Air filters are cleaned and/or replaced when they become dirty. Lubrication is performed on schedule as outlined in owners’ manuals.

In addition to routine maintenance, there are many other tips we can follow to help extend lawn equipment life. We cover many tips within the pages of our Lawn Care Business Guidebooks.

One of the simpler actions we can take, on a daily basis, is use of high quality gasoline. High quality does not necessarily mean high octane. High quality, in many people’s opinion, means a lack of impurities.

There is a gas station not far from our business location that charges a few cents per gallon less than competing station. However, the gas station is more than 40 years old and it looks dilapidated. A gas station in such poor condition makes us wonder about the condition of their fuel tanks. If their tanks are corroded and contain residue from years of being underground, could those impurities find their way into our gas tanks?

Though ethanol is not considered an impurity to industry insiders, many small engine mechanics speak up about damage caused by ethanol. According to an MSNBC article on damage to small lawn mower engines caused by ethanol in gasoline ethanol attracts moisture which prevents oil within lawn care equipment from doing its proper job. This moisture reacts with rubber and plastic fittings and hoses. As these parts deteriorate, they may clog openings within the engine and can cause a shellacking on pistons resulting in reduced lubrication. All this is according to small engine experts.

Don’t rely strictly on experts though, read the many comments in this blog from dealing with the hazards of using ethanol blended gasoline in many different types of engines.

In the southern states where we live, 10% ethanol has been a fact of life since early 2008. Though we have heard horror stories of damage done by ethanol, we rarely have a choice other than to use an ethanol gasoline blend.

Times are beginning to change, though, and we see signs that gas stations are offering 100% gasoline again. In fact, a brand new gas station with brand new tanks, less than half a mile from the old dilapidated gas station offering 10% ethanol, has just opened. This new gas station does not add ethanol and offers pure gasoline.


Ahh…no contamination and no ethanol. Our lawn mowers and two-cycle leaf blowers, weedeaters, and other lawn care equipment will run “clean” once more.

For more information on dealing with commercial lawn mower questions as well as running your own lawn care business, visit our website:

Wash your Lawn Mower

Today is Saturday and this is my normal maintenance day for my lawn care equipment.  A big part of my maintenance schedule includes washing my lawn mower and other lawn care equipment.   I have identified 5 reasons why a lawn care business owner should keep his equipment clean.

1)  Maintain a Professional Appearance for your Lawn Care Company

Customers notice when your equipment is clean and well maintained.  They want to be proud of their lawn not only when you are finished working but also while you are working.

New customers or prospective customers you are estimating want to know your company will be reliable and not make them wait for service should you have equipment trouble or breakdowns.  Clean equipment says “professional” to your new clients.

2)  Oil and Grease Drips

After lubricating your lawn mower you will often find drips of oil or blobs of grease hanging from your oil fill tube, oil drain, or the numberous grease nibs on the mower.  These drips can make your maintenance area or trailer slippery which can lead to an accident.  Worse yet, a blob of grease might cling to the underside of your cutting deck just long enough to be deposited on your next customer’s lawn.

Thoroughly washing your lawn mower reduces the chance that oil or grease drips will cause problems.

3)  Remove Grime from Moving Parts

By their very nature, lawn mowers become very dirty during the course of their work.  Washing removes grime and build up of dirt, grass, and leaves from lawn mower’s moving parts.

Springs react better, pullies grip better, and blades spin faster when they are allowed to work unencumbered.

4) Familiarize Yourself with your Lawn Equipment (The Zen of Lawn Mower Repair)

If you are like most professional Lawn Care Business owners you like working with your equipment and you want to know every detail about the machine with which you make your living.  Washing your lawn mower lets you focus on each part of your lawn mower in a relaxed setting.  As you run water over a dirty spring or wipe off a grass-caked bushing you gain an innate understanding how the machine works and how you can work better with the machine.

5)  Check for Defects or Worn Parts

Lawn mower take lots of abuse.  Bolts shear, springs deform, and plastic & rubber parts decay.  Washing your lawn mower allows you to do a visual and hands-on maintenance check of each part of your lawn mower and other equipment.

Replacing a broken part in your shop at your leisure is much less inconvenient than having to perform hurry-up maintenance in the field.

Turn your lawn care business into a PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE BUSINESS!

If you are struggling with your lawn care business or you just not making the money you know you should be making, WE CAN HELP!

Visit hour home page:

The complete lawn care business package is on sale right now.  It will help you operate a more professional lawn care business.  Don’t face another day feeling like you don’t know what you are doing in your business.