Are you a lawn care business owner that is tired of doing 100% residential jobs?

Though there is great money to be made mowing residential lawns and creating small landscapes, we suggest many lawn care companies can greatly increase their revenue by adding a few larger-scale mowing contracts into their customer mix. If you have ever wanted to take your lawn care business to the next level, February is a perfect time to bid on larger scale lawn mowing and landscaping contracts. City and county governments, government agencies, industrial plants, retail establishments, and apartment complexes are letting out bids for lawn care work during February.

Successfully bidding a large-scale grass cutting contract is not as easy as it might sound. We have seen many people fail at successfully bidding mowing contracts. Common mistakes in bidding on these contracts include: misunderstanding the scope of work, improper equipment selection, under bidding in an attempt to lowball your competitors, over bidding in an attempt to make more mone from the contracting agency, and insufficient business requirements (lack of insurance, incomplete permits, unproven ability to complete the work.)

If you would like to learn how to properly bid on lawn mowing and grass cutting contracts, our Lawn Care Business guidebook and software program can help you. The program includes estimating software and an excellent guide to bidding lawn mowing contracts.

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