In a few more hours we will bid farewell to August 2011.

While it has been a great summer for the lawn mowing industry, I am not sad to say goodbye to those long, hot, dusty August days.  The temperatures are still high but I can feel a break in the intensity of  the hot days.  This lowered intensity tells me Autumn is right around the corner and fall leaf raking is not far behind.

We are in the Southeast section of the United States.  Those of you in the northern states are already seeing the beginnings of fall foliage. Money might not GROW on trees but it sure will be FALLING from trees during the next three months.

Don’t miss out on the leaf raking season.  Even if you haven’t started your lawn care business yet, there is still plenty of time to get your business started (or ramp up your existing business) and make a ton of money performing leaf cleanup jobs.

Learn leaf raking strategies and estimating procedures in our lawn care business program available through our main website: