Mowing Fast Food Restaurants

Mowing Fast Food Restaurants

Make more money in your lawn care business with fast food restaurants.

Mowing the islands as fast food restaurants is an easy way to make more money with your lawn care business.

We have found that these lawn mowing contracts are very profitable to lawn care business owners. Islands at fast food restaurants are easy to mow and they normally do not require large equipment. Once you prove that you can perform the lawn care work professionally, restaurant owners who operate more than one restaurant location will be quick to contract you to do all their lawn care work.

There are a few caveats. The lawn care work must normally be done during non-business hours or when there are the fewest number of cars in the parking lot as possible. Care must be taken to prevent debris from striking cars and customers of the business location. The restaurant owners will negotiate your prices. So, be sure to have a definite pricing strategy when submitting your initial lawn care estimate. Lawn care business liability insurance will be required as will proper licensing of your lawn care business. Finally, your billing will likely be on a net 30 basis so it will take some time to get your money.

If you’re interested in making more money with your lawn care business. Our lawn care business strategy guidebook teaches you how to bid lawn mowing contracts such as fast food restaurants.

To order the lawn care business guidebook and lawn care business estimating software, visit our main website here:
Lawn Care Business Program

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