Archive for category lawn care business

Start a Lawn Care Business NOW and Be Ready for Leaf Raking Season


Hi Everyone:

This is Keith with “Start A Lawn Care Business . com”. Honestly, with 100 degree days and very little rain, this is probably my least favorite time of year. However, even with hot and dry weather, there is still money to be made with your own lawn care business this summer. Mowing grass and landscaping yards with your own lawn care business is a great way to make money for the rest of the summer.

If you want to start a small lawn care business like this guy or if you want to grow your business rapidly and add lots of equipment to your trailer like these guys, you should take a look at our lawn care business course. The program includes our equipment reviews. We travel to lawn care trade shows every year so we can give you the latest information on which lawn care equipment you should purchase for your particular lawn care company.

The Lawn Care Business package also includes the lawn care estimating software. These estimating calculators are designed to help you with your estimating. From small residential yards to large industrial lawn mowing contracts, the estimating software will help help you perfect your bidding process.

So, if you are sick of 100 degree days, think about this: autumn weather is not far behind. Once fall arrives there is going to be a ton of money to be made raking leaves and cleaning up lawns.

Right now is a perfect time to get started with your lawn care business and be ready for the leaf raking season and our lawn care business course, training guide, and estimating software will help you get started with your own lawn care business just in time for one of the most profitable times of the year.

You can read more about the business course on our main website:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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Restringing Your Weedeater? Pick Up Your Line.

Has this happened to you? You are almost finished with your last yard of the day. Your grass mowing has gone well, the the lawn looks great, and you are making good time. A bit of weedeating is all that is required to leave your customer with a professionally maintained stand of grass before you get paid a lot of money and head home. Then, just as you tap the weedeater’s bump knob to advance the weedeater line a few more inches, the spool empties its last few inches and flings the last section of line somewhere onto your customer’s lawn.

Argh! You thought you had enough line to finish but now you need to run back to your truck (the line always runs out at the very back corner of the property) and rewind a spool. Your great time on this lawn is shot as you know you are going to spend 10 frustrating minutes rewinding the spool after you drop it on the ground and the tight line unravels as you try to place it back into the spool holder on the weedeater.

Finally, you finish your trimming, blow grass off the walkway & patio, and collect your money from your customer. The grass looks great and you are proud of your work and the money you made. “Ahhh…another satisfied customer.”


Before you make it home, your customer calls to complain about the sloppy job you did on the lawn. You’re taken aback because you thought the job went well and the lawn mowing was done to perfection. It takes you a minute to realize what the customer is complaining about but then it hits you:

weedeater line is hard to rewind

“Arghhhh….that pesky weedeater line.” When the last bit of weedeater line flew out of the weedeater you neglected to retrieve it from your customer’s lawn. Now, instead of leaving your customer completely satisfied, you return to the customer’s lawn, with apologies, and collect the last bit of line.

When running a lawn care business, it pays to be hypervigilant and give your lawns a once-over before ending the job. And, for goodness sake, pick up your weedeater line.

If you are looking for tips on running a MORE PROFESSIONAL lawn care business and making MORE MONEY, check out our lawn care business course. The guidebooks, training videos, and estimating software are designed to help you make your business a success.

We have the “Start A Lawn Care Business” course on sale right now through our main website:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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June 15, 2010 Quarterly Tax Payments


This is a quick heads up.

If you are running your own lawn care business, you need to remember that today (June 15, 2010) is quarterly tax payment day. If you have generated income this year with your landscaping business, you are likely required to make estimated tax payments throughout the year. Todayt is one of those tax payment days and your estimated quarterly payment must be postmarked before midnight tonight to comply with federal tax regulations.

Running your own grass cutting service is fun but as a small business owner you have to keep up with the paperwork that keeps your business legal.

This blog does not provide any professional tax advice. So, if you have questions about your particular business needs, please consult with a qualified tax professional.

For great information and business tools to help you start and operate your own successful lawn care business, look at the professionally produced business package on our main website at:

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You've Goat To Start Your Own Lawn Care Business

Starting a Lawn Care Business?  Think about alternative and creative services to offer your customers.

Once again, cities around the country are using goats to gain control over weeds and other vegetation in hard to mow areas.

In our city, Chattanooga, Tennessee, goats have been employed for the last 15 years to fight the relentless creep of kudzu vines.  Kudzu was imported many years ago to help fight erosion on the steep mountainous terrain that circles the city.  Kudzu is great at stemming erosion.  The downside is that it grows rapidly and engulfs trees, telephone poles, and roadways.  Since it is often planted in hard to reach areas, there is no practical method of using lawn mowers or trimmers to keep it at bay.

In the 1990’s, our public works department made a contract with a local goat farmer.  He brought his goats to areas of heavy kudzu growth.  The grazing goats worked non-stop at gnawing the tenacious vine.  Though there were several problems with the goats (wandering off, chased by dogs) the goats proved beneficial to the landscaping upkeep of the city.

We are just one of hundreds of communities using goats for various lawn care and landscaping upkeep duties.  There are even many environmentally conscious corporations and small businesses that use goats as their lawn care companies.  This goes to show you that if you are thinking about starting your own lawn care business, you shouldn’t rule out alternative services to offer your customers.

Though we have never used goats in our own lawn care business, we have been involved in the industry for 18 years and we always enjoy learning about new and creative ways to make money mowing grass.  If you are looking to start your own lawn care business or if you are just looking to make some extra money this summer mowing grass, you will benefit from our experience.  We have produced a very helpful lawn care business guidebook and software package. 

The lawn care business guidebook and software package is for sale right now through our main website and you can read more about it here:

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How Much Money Can I Earn with a Lawn Care Business

How much money can I earn with a Lawn Care Business?

Many of our readers wrote to comment about our blog posting from January where we linked to our lawn care “earnings potential”  calculator.  The posting was designed to give you a goal for 2010.  Along with the posting, we linked to the Lawn Care Estimating calculator to help you discover how much money you could make (weekly income) during 2010.

If you took the challenge in January, we would love to hear how you are doing with your goal.  Are you making more money than you thought you would make or are you slightly behind schedule?  If you are behind schedule with your earnings, there’s nothing to worry about.  Though the year is almost 1/2 over, the season has barely begun.  June is a PRIME time to gear up your lawn care business and start picking up bigger and better customers.  The next few month are the time to really prove yourself.  With a bit of motivation, we know you can still reach your earnings goal for this year.

If you want to use the calculator to figure your earnings potential doing lawn care, check out the link here:

Lawn Care Estimating Calculator

We would also like to remind you that our Lawn Care Business Course is currently on sale through our main website.  The course will show you how to start and operate a successful lawn care business.  With your purchase of the lawn care business course, you will also receive the full set of lawn care estimating software to help you with your estimating and bidding. 

Check it out on our main site:

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Keep Your Commercial Lawn Mower Blades Sharp

Sharpen your commercial lawn mower blades to reduce browning of the lawn and water loss.

The mowing season has been in full swing for a month. If you are cutting an average of 10 lawns each day, 5 days per week, you may have already cut 200 with your new lawn mower blades. Are you sharpening them as often as you should? Sharp blades produce much more professional cuts to your lawns and makes the grass look better than dull or damaged blades.

sharpen lawn mower blades on schedule

Dull blades tend to tear grass leaving a ragged edge to the top of the grass. A ragged edge means there is more surface area of the grass to turn brown. More surface area also increases the amount of water transpired to the atmoshphere from the edge of the grass. Increased water loss is hazardous to grass health especially during the hot, dry summer days.

Sharpen you lawn mower blades as part of your normal lawn mower maintenance schedule.

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Ferris Evolution Commercial Lawn Mower

Start A Lawn Care Business

The Ferris Industries Evolution Commercial Lawn Mower has been on the market for several months. I dropped by a Ferris dealer last week to get some updates on the mower and hear how the commercial guys like the mower for their mowing businesses.

Ferris Industries Evolution Commercial Lawn Mower

The seat reminds me of a crotch rocket motorcycle. Though I think the lawn mower would be fun to ride and the seat position give the operator a great over-deck view of his cutting area, I wonder about the comfort of riding such a mower for 6 hours per day. Operator fatigue is a huge issue in commercial lawn equipment selection. The Evolution’s operator compartment looks confining. Without the ability to shift body positions, is the evolution more fatiguing than other commercial mowing machines.

With the capability to mow 5.1 acres per hour, the Evolution is a formidable grass cutting machine. That mowing rate is impressive for most any landscaping company with serious grass to cut. I like the deck design and the operator’s positioning for a great view of the cutting deck and grass area.

If you have demoed this mower or if you own a Ferris Industries Evolution commercial lawn mower, I would like to hear your thought on the machine.

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Does Lawn Care Make You Smarter?

“Where’s my lawn mower? Has anyone seen my weedeater? What day is it?”
These are three questions you will rarely hear from lawn care business operators.

If you think of yourself as having better memory than your peers, you might have your lawn care business to thank. Scientists at the University of Brisbane in Australia have discovered the scent of cut grass helps boost memory. Chemicals that are emitted from freshly cut grass work to stimulate the emotional and memory centers of the brain known as the amygdala and the hippocampus.

Cut Grass Helps Boost Memory

In this blog, we often discuss how a lawn care business can strengthen your physical and financial health. It’s also good to know that the aroma of cut grass might also be helping your mental health.

The benefits of owning a lawn care business are endless.

If you want to improve your memory and start your own business at the same time, maybe you should take a look at our lawn care business guidebook, video training guides, and estimating software business package. You can read all about it on our website: Start A Lawn Care Business . com

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Does moss grow on the north side of trees?

I remember watching TV when I was a kid. The show was probably a rerun of Davey Crockett or some other nature-type program. One particular episode caught my attention. They were probably tracking Indians or trying to find their way out of the woods and the remark was made that moss always grows on the north side of a tree.

At first, I thought this to be a bit of folklore. Seriously, why would moss only grow on the north side of a tree. That makes no sense. Moss doesn’t have a compass. Moss doesn’t carry a map in it’s non-existent glove box. At the time, Mapquest and Google Earth did not exist. But still, moss doesn’t know how to turn on a computer or operate a GPS.
Alright, that’s silly but it is what I thought at the time.

It wasn’t until several years later that I finally realized moss does, indeed, tend to grow on the north side of trees. Moss does not only grow on the north side of trees, it also grows on the north side of rocks, garbage cans, and telephone poles.

You can see moss growing on the north side of this telephone poll.

Moss grows well in environments that are damp, cool, and shady. In a thick forest with full coverage of shade, moss will grow on all sides of a tree. However, if there is a break in the tree coverage where the sun penetrates, moss will find the sunny side of the tree inhospitable. Therefore it won’t grow where there is sunshine.

Think about the sun’s orientation in the northern hemisphere’s sky. During winter, the sun is well south of the equator. Since the sun is in the southern part of our sky, all shadows are cast north. During our summer, the sun reaches its azimuth on or about June 21. On this day, it is just barely directly overhead. Therefore, the north side of almost any object is still partially shaded. Moss, which loves the shade, is still protected from sunlight and continues to thrive.

I’ve always believed running a lawn care business gives us a higher sense of nature than most people understand. We learn how things grow by understanding their habitats and how they react with nature.

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More lawn mower racing videos.

We received some nice responses from yesterday’s video of the lawn mower race. So, I want to post a couple more minutes from a 5 man lawn mower race video.

Do you participate in these types of events? I think lawn mower racing is fascinating and I would love to give it a try. Also, I would love to hear from any lawn care business owners who also participate in the events and use lawn mower racing as a promotion for their lawn care businesses. Let us know if it has helped your business as a marketing tool and if people recognize you around town. You you incorporate your lawn mower racing in your business name or in your logo?

Enjoy the video. We may have more for you later this spring.

Oh, that reminds me; spring is basically here and I hope everyone is pounding the pavement hard drumming up new customers and contracts. Contracts are still being bid for the upcoming lawn mowing season. If you need some help finding customers and bidding contract, be sure to check out our lawn care business program. It includes the estimating software. This will really help you bidding jobs and giving prices to your customers.

Start A Lawn Care Business

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