Archive for category lawn business strategies

Storm Damage and your Lawn Care Business

Hi Everyone:

Storm Tree Damage and lawn care business cleanup services.

One of Thousands of Trees Damaged by Monday's Storm.

I want to send a personal note to everyone who emailed us with concern after yesterday’s storms in our area.  The “suspected tornado” passed right over our area and destroyed many trees and buildings.  Thankfully, other than 7 or 8 large trees in our wooded area, we suffered very little damage.

As everyone who has ever witnessed a weather event like this knows, the cleanup efforts will take weeks.  Opportunities are immense for lawn care companies to make a tremendous amount of money cutting trees and removing debris.  If you have the skills and equipment to quickly remove damaged trees and haul off broken branches, your lawn business can make a huge amount of money but you can also pick-up a very quick customer list.  Do a good job for these “one-time” customers and you will likely be able to mow their grass all summer.

Out of disaster comes opportunity.  If you are in a weather prone area and have ever thought about starting your own lawn care business, right now is a perfect time to get started and be prepared for many customer requests of storm damage clean up work this spring.

Again, thank you for your concern.

If you want to learn more about our lawn care business package including the lawn care estimating software, please visit our main page:

Lawn Care and Landscaping Business

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Spring’s In Bloom, Start A Lawn Care Business!

Spring is time to start a lawn care business

The first daffodil of the mowing season.

YAY!!! Spring is in bloom over much of the United States. Yes, I know as soon as I get excited about this we will get a foot of snow to squelch my enthusiasm. But still, as I look outside and see the first colors of the season, I can’t help to look forward to another great mowing season.

As pretty as the daffodils are, they are not the only thing blooming and they are not the only sign of spring. While you probably won’t get many lawn care customers if you advertise that you will neatly mow down their daffodil, there is another form of green growth in springs that many customers will pay you good money to keep cut.

This time of the year, throughout much of the eastern half of the country, wild garlic sprigs are popping up in lawns everywhere. Wild garlic is commonly called wild onions. Wild onions do grow in lawns but it is a bit early for them to be popping up.

Wild Garlic and Wild Onions need to be cut.  Start a lawn care business.

Can you guess which? Wild Garlic or Wild Onion.

The greenery this time of year is (most likely) wild garlic. Actually, it doesn’t matter what you or your customers call it, this greenery needs to be trimmed and this early need to tidy customers’ lawns make for a tremendous opportunity for you to get an early start on your lawn care business.

Listen, we know you are excited about the possibility of starting your own lawn care business. If you don’t know where to turn or how to get stared, we have developed a comprehensive business guidebook and software package that will GREATLY help you get started. We have been associated with the lawn care industry (started our lawn care business in 1992) for almost 20 years. We cover a tremendous amount of information and help you avoid a tremendous number of obstacles when you are first getting started. Don’t waste your time and money trying to figure it out yourself when we’ve already done that for you.

Our package also includes support. So, if you have any questions after your purchase, just let us know and we will do our best to give you specific information or share ideas with you.

Learn more about the guidebooks and estimating software business program on our main website:


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Selling (retiring from) your lawn care business?

While most of our blog posts (and our lawn care business program) are designed are with the new lawn care business owner in mind, we are often reminded of the fact that many people need advice at the end-stage of their lawn care business careers.

Growing a business to the point where it can be sold is a very viable exit strategy for even the smallest lawn care company.  If you have spent your time and efforts cultivating a profitable and successful lawn care company, you should not overlook the fact that your company is probably very valuable over and beyond the amount of revenue your company generates on a monthly basis.

If you have grown your lawn care business and are now thinking about quiting your business either to retire or to follow other pursuits, don’t make the mistake of letting your company fade away without it realizing it’s full profit potential.  Lawn care business owners can often sell their routes, equipment, business name, and company’s goodwill.

So, if you are thinking about selling your lawn care business after owning it for a number of years, our lawn care business program will be very valuable to you.  There is a section dedicated to helping you value your lawn care business if you are in process of selling the business.

To learn more about the entire program, please visit our main website:
Start A Lawn Care Business

Scheduling your Lawn Care Customers

Proximity Scheduling for your Lawn Care Customers

Our lawn care business program is a heavy-duty course in how to run an efficient, successful, and profitable lawn care business.  We believe that, in order to be successful in your lawn care business, you MUST be efficient in your business practices.  One of the problems new lawn care business owners face is proper scheduling of their lawn care customers.  In our lawn care business program, we teach a practice we call “Proximity Scheduling.”

Drive time, load time, and unload time are huge drains on your productivity.  Having lawn care customers all over town is very inefficient.  Driving to your customer, stopping your lawn care truck, unloading your lawn care equipment, mowing the grass, loading your lawn care equipment, and driving to your next customer half-way across town is a tremendously inefficient way to operate your lawn care business and schedule your customers.

Proper scheduling of lawn care customers can more than double your lawn care business productivity.

Since springtime has yet to begin, right now is a perfect time to take a serious look at your scheduling habits for the upcoming year.  Have you developed a proper strategy of customer scheduling?  Our “Proximity Scheduling” philosophy begins when you start advertising your company.  Proper advertising, initial customer interview, customer setup, route selection, and mowing patterns are all integrated to help you complete each customer as quickly as possible.  The more efficient you are in your lawn care customer scheduling, the more money you should make with your lawn care business.

To learn more about running an efficient lawn care business, please visit our main home page to learn about our lawn care business program:
Start A Lawn Care Business


Hispanic Labor in the Lawn Care Industry

A recent Huffington Post article discussed the labor crisis in America and how undocumented Hispanic laborers are stepping in to jobs that require very demanding work such as lawn care and landscaping.  A response to the article stated:

“I have a friend who has a lawn care service and he pays 10-15 per hour with a guarantee of 20 hours per week, rain or shine. He rarely gets Americans to apply.”

Through our website,, we get to speak with many lawn care business owners and people who are thinking about starting their own lawn care businesses.  It is no doubt that the Hispanic labor force has had a dramatic impact on the lawn care industry from a labor standpoint.

Since have almost 20 year’s experience in the lawn care industry, we speak with many people who are thinking about or in the beginning stages of starting their own lawn care companies.  We are noticing an increase in the number of Hispanics calling us to ask advice about starting their own lawn care companies.  In fact, many Hispanics who have worked as lawn care laborers are now taking the first steps in starting their own companies.

Tell us what you think about this.

Are you a lawn care operator who employs a Hispanic labor force?  Has your lawn care company been impacted?  Are you Hispanic who is thinking about starting your own lawn care company?

We attempt to stay up-to-date with all of the latest trends of the lawn care industry.  So, if you have a minute, write to us and let us know your thoughts.

You can contact us here:  Lawn Care Business Contact Form


Is your Lawn Care Business facing noise ordinances?

Noise pollution is becoming a familiar topic in many towns across the United States.

Okay, let’s face it, our lawn care equipment is noisy.  Our lawn mowers emit low thunderous roars and our backpack blowers scream out high pitched shrills.  We have written many times in the Start A Lawn Care Business blog that lawn care operators must take many precautions to protect their own hearing and the hearing of their employees from the noise emitted from lawn care equipment.

In addition to the common sense precautions we must take to reduce the noise levels in our own heads, community councils are becoming bolder in their efforts to tackle the noise issues to help protect their residents from the noise problems.  We recently read about a community in East Hampton that is attempting to restrict to hours noisy lawn equipment can be operated.

What do you think about restrictions such as this?   Are there happy mediums that can be struck between home owners and landscape professionals?  Can landscape companies make concerted efforts to reduce the number of minutes leaf blowers are used on each lawn?  Can lawn mower operators develop mowing patterns that reduce the time spend on each lawn?

The answer to the last two questions is “YES.”  In fact, our lawn care business training packages shows you how to develop mowing patterns that GREATLY reduce your mowing and blowing time.  Developing these mowing pattern not only allows your lawn care company to leave your customers with great looking lawns it also helps you reduce your time an amount of noise pollution you produce.

For more information on our Lawn Care Business training package, see our main home page:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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Bartering your Lawn Care Business Services

Have you ever bartered services or products in return for lawn care business services?

In our Lawn Care Business training course we describe how you can barter your services.  One of the very interesting lessons we teach is how you can very easily barter your lawn mowing duties in exchange for advertising from your local media companies.  Radio stations, television stations, newspaper companies, and many other advertising agencies all have physical locations and they all understand that a beautifully landscaped business location will help them display an aire of professionalism which will help them sell more advertising.

If you are thinking about purchasing advertising for your lawn care business this year consider bartering your lawn care services before you take out your checkbook.  You may very well find that advertising agencies are very willing to barter services instead of taking your money.

Beware, bartering is normally considered a taxable event by the IRS.  Please check with your tax professional.
To learn some of the inside tips of bartering your lawn care business, check out the business training course on our main webpage:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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New Link Structure for Start A Lawn Care Business

Hi everyone:

New years often bring new changes and this year is no different.

This year, we are continuing our efforts to continuously offer free and fresh content to our blog.  We are not the best writers or the best producers of content.  However, we are sincere in our goal of making this a great website for lawn care business owners to come and learn ideas and strategies to make their lawn care companies more successful in the coming year.

To continuously make the Start A Lawn Care Business website more accessible to our readers, we have instituted a new link structure to our blog posts.  We understand this is going to cause some confusion for a few weeks.  Links from other websites will be broken and you will probably not be able to find your favorite articles.

Over time, link will be updated and everything will sort itself out.  In the meantime, if you are looking for a particular article, please use the “SEARCH” box to the right.  It will help you find your article.

We hope that everyone has had a wonderful first week of 2011.  If you have any questions for us, please do not hesitate to ask for help.  We are always open to share ideas with you.

Also, if you have not yet purchased the lawn care business guidebook and software package, please consider purchasing it for your company in 2011.  It is a HUGE business resource to help you run a successful lawn care business this year.

Thank you and Happy New Year to all:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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Lawn Care for 2011

Hi Everyone: Although we are currently under a blanket of snow in the southeast, I want to take a minute to jump on the website and write a quick post about the upcoming lawn care season in 2011.

Yes, it is cold and windy and snowy and nasty right now. However, spring weather is less than 2 months away. Before long, your lawn care customers will be looking for lawn care and landscaping professionals to perform spring clean up lawn care jobs. Grass will need to be cut, leftover leaves will need to be raked, limbs and twigs will need to be picked up and other lawn care jobs will need to be done.

Though you are probably not thinking about your lawn care business right now, you should already be planning your lawn care marketing. If you wait until March to start marketing your lawn care company you will miss many customers who want to make an early start getting their lawn and landscaping into shape.

If you are just beginning to think about starting a lawn care business or if you already own a lawn care business and want to have a much better season than last year, now is the time to start.

We have developed a professionally produced lawn care business package that will teach you what you need to be doing right now BEFORE spring arrives to get great customers and assure that your business will be kicked into high gear once spring arrives.

To learn more about the lawn care business program, visit our main webpage at:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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Lawn Care Question of the Day – What Is It?

Lawn Care QuestionsIf you live in the Southeast part of the country, you have probably seen this “fruit” from a tree.  They fall this time of year and will make a mess in your customers’ lawns if you mistakenly hit them with a lawn mower.  They are about 5″ to 6″ inches in diameter and weigh about 1/2 a pound.

Today’s contest winners will earn the pure satisfaction of knowing what this is when most people don’t.

If you have a guess, leave a comment below.  Also, if you have a guess and you are a lawn care business owner with a website, feel free to add a link to your lawn care business website.

Good luck and check back for more Lawn Care Questions of the Day.
