Happy New Year from Start A Lawn Care Business

We would like to wish all the readers of our Lawn Care Blog a very Happy New Year.

The new year is a great time to take stock of our lives and determine where we want to go in the coming months. If a lawn care business factors into your plans for 2012, we hope you will take a glance at our professionally produced lawn care business program. We belive this is the best program available anywhere for anyone who is already running a lawn care business or who wants to start a new lawn care business.

January is the perfect time to get started with your own lawn care business. Many lawn care contracts are let out for bid in January. Also, residential customers will be getting ansy to have their yards looking nice very soon. Our lawn care business program teaches you practically everything you need to know to start and operate a successful lawn care business.

Again, Happy New Year from everyone at


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Merry Christmas from Start A Lawn Care Business

Hi Everyone:

We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Take a holiday from your lawn care business and spend quality time with your friends and family for a few days. The grass will still be there after the holidays. 🙂

Best luck in the New Year:


Start A Lawn Care Business

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Christmas Presents for your Lawn Care Customers?

Do you give presents to your lawn care customers at Christmas time?

Probably not but I have always thought it nice to send lawn care customers handwritten notes thanking them for their business during the preceding 12 months. Customers like to know that they are appreciated and they don’t expect presents from you.

Though you don’t give presents to your customers, you can help your customers with their gift giving. Let your customers know that if they have trouble finding gifts for anyone on their Christmas lists, you are happy to happy to provide lawn care on a one-time basis or through out the coming mowing season.

I have often had clients that paid me to maintain landscaping and provide lawn care for elderly parents that can no longer maintain their grass themselves. An entire year of lawn care makes a great Christmas present.

You have a few days to offer this to your customers. So, let us know if any of your customers take you up on this offer.

Are you looking to improve the marketing efforts of your lawn care business in 2012? Our Lawn Care Business guidebook includes a marketing and advertising manual that will help you bring in many new customers for the 2012 mowing season. For more information, visit our main lawn care website:

More Lawn Care Business Customers in 2012


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Lawn Care Business – Last Chance to Make Money in 2011

Lawn Care Business - How to make money at Christmas

Lawn Care Business - How to make money at Christmas

Well here we are. 2012 is knocking on our doors as 2011 withers to a close. If you are in the lawn care industry, you have one last chance to pad your end of year revenue figures before the calendar year closes.

Since Christmas 2011 is on a Sunday, next week (December 19 – December 23) is a PRIME week to contact all your current lawn care clients. Prepare a 30 second sales presentation to let them know that you are offering last minute yard cleanup services. Tell your lawn care customers that you are available for one last pre-Christmas mowing, leaf raking, shrubbery bed maintenance, gutter cleaning or (for those of you in snowy areas) snow removal.

I have tried this strategy many years. Most years, more than 50% of my clients have had last minute lawn care related jobs for my lawn company to perform. Not only have my lawn care clients been thankful that I am willing to come out for a last minute “rush” job, they have been willing to pay a premium price and sometimes even through in an end-of-year Christmas bonus.

Imagine if you have 40 lawn care clients and you can sell 50% of them a $50 lawn care related service during the final week before Christmas. If you can do that, you will make your lawn care company an additional $1000. Most lawn care business owners I know can use an extra grand at Christmastime.

Though 2011 is at an end 2012 is about to begin and springtime will be here before you know it. If you are interested in starting a lawn care business, consider purchasing our lawn care business training course. The course is packed with very useful information and business tools designed to help you start and operate a successful lawn care business. The course also includes a VERY USEFUL series of estimating calculators that will help you determine your lawn care pricing.

For more information visit our lawn care website:

Start a Lawn Care Business


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Lawn Care Equipment Purchasing Decisions – Cost Benefit Analysis

Buying Lawn Care Equipment vs. Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks - Just another business cost-benefit analysis.

So, here I sit in my local Starbucks with my laptop computer and a tall, piping hot, Mocha. Outside, rain pours as the thermometer drops. As far as weather goes, today does not fill me with the desire to work (or play) outside. Here I sit, in comfortable surroundings, hoping to complete as much “office” work as possible.

Though I like doing my paperwork at this Starbucks, when compared to working at home doing paper work here is an expensive proposition. The Mocha cost me $5.00 and the parking meter was another $1.50. Add the cost of gasoline and the inevitable fudge brownie to my total and the cost of this work session is over $10.00.

How can I justify such a cost? Well, I hope to be efficient here and complete my work quicker than I would at my home work station. In other words; the benefit of this work session outweighs the cost.

As I swig another sip of Mocha, I am reminded of similar Cost-Benefit Analyses performed each time I have purchased lawn care equipment for my business. Every single time I have purchased a new commercial lawn mower, leaf blower, weedeater, or other lawn care equipment, I have calculated the cost over the life of the equipment and made sure it would pay me back with a substantial profit to my business.

There is a big problem in the lawn care industry. Too many new lawn care business owners purchase equipment that does not provide profitable cost-benefit for their businesses. It is easy to understand how a new lawn care business owner can get drawn into buying improper equipment. New equipment is exciting. The salesmen are high pressure. And if you buy new (and expensive) equipment it will surely help your business become successful, right? RIGHT???

No, that is not always right.

One of the things that helped make my lawn care business successful was the cost-benefit analysis I did on each and every lawn care and landscaping machine I have ever bought. So, if you are in the early stages of your lawn care business (or even if you have been in the business awhile and are expanding) I invite you to purchase our lawn care business guidebook and software package. The package includes an “Equipment Buyers Manual” that will greatly help you determine the best equipment selections for your lawn care business. You can learn more about the lawn care business package on our main webpage.

Lawn Care Equipment Buyers Guidebook

And now back to my Mocha.

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Our Lawn Care Business Program is Pepper Spray Free

Lawn Care Business - Pepper Spray Christmas

Lawn Care Business - Hold The Pepper Spray

Oh My Goodness!!! Have you seen all the reports of Christmas shoppers getting pepper sprayed and tasered while doing their Christmas shopping on Black Friday?

Well, if you want to do your Christmas shopping without getting pepper sprayed or tasered (and if you have someone in your family who wants to start a small business of their very own) our “Start A Lawn Care Business” website will help you complete your Christmas shopping. You will get all teary-eyed from our great book & software package (not from a shot a pepper spray from angry competitive shoppers).

Our lawn care business guidebook and estimating software is specially designed to help business owners start and expand their lawn care businesses in the coming year. The first couple months of the new year is when you should purchase lawn equipment, get your new business licenses and permits, acquire residential lawn care customers, and bid on commercial mowing contracts.

Our lawn care business guidebook offers EXTENSIVE training in how to start your business, buy landscaping equipment, gain lawn care customers, and bid lawn mowing contracts. Also, the lawn care estimating software will help you price all your lawn care jobs.

So, if you want to finish your Christmas shopping without a blast of pepper spray, order our lawn care business package for everyone on your Christmas list.

Start A Lawn Care Business – Hold the Pepper Spray


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Lawn Care Business Program – Perfect Christmas Gift

Start a Lawn Care Business - Perfect Christmas Present

Start A Lawn Care Business - Perfect Christmas Present

Hi Everyone: Our Lawn Care Business Guidebooks and Estimating Software makes a GREAT Christmas present.

We received an order from a lady today who is ordering this package as her son’s Christmas present. Her son is working a dead-end job and she wants to buy this for him so he can start his own business and take a step forward in his own life. She asked if we will ship this without any indication of its contents so the surprise won’t be ruined.

Also, she wants to know if it will reach them in time for Christmas.

The answers to her questions are easy. Yes, we are happy to ship this without marks indicating its contents. And, yes, we ship promptly with a 3 day expected delivery time.


If you or someone you know is interested in starting a lawn care business, our lawn care business package is JAM-PACKED with a TREMENDOUS amount of information on how to start and grow a successful lawn care business. We have been associated with the lawn care industry since 1992 and we have always felt that starting with the advice of professionals in the industry is the best method of starting and growing. Too many new business owners get started without the proper information. They underprice their jobs, buy the wrong equipment, and miss out on very important contracts.

Order our lawn care program right away and we will make sure it is shipped to you promptly. Normal delivery time is 3 business days.

Thank you and we hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

Start A Lawn Care Business – Perfect Christmas Gift


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Running a Lawn Care Business – It’s Not Always Fun.

Live Strong - Start A Lawn Care Business

Live Strong and Fight Like H*LL

On this lawn care blog, I often write about the benefits of owning a lawn care business. Truthfully, there are many benefits such as calling your own shots, setting your own hours, making the amount of money that you are truly worth, and having pride in owning your own business.

Although there are many positive aspects to running your own business, I do have to be honest with you…some days really do suck. I have had a couple of those days this week. Most of this hassle is accountable to a single customer that is causing one huge headache. Ugh.

I remember the early days of owning my lawn care business. Many days seemed like a never ending headache and a never ending fight. Fighting to cut my costs. Fighting my lawn care competition with good advertising and marketing tactics. Fighting low cost lawn care equipment. Fighting cheap lawn care customers who didn’t want to pay the going rate for lawn care.

Fight. Fight. Fight.

Gradually, as I developed my lawn care business strategies, I found that the number of fights diminished. As I learned the proper lawn care equipment to buy…fight diminished. As I learned how to properly negotiate with customers…fight diminished. As I developed GREAT marketing strategies…fight diminished. As I implemented customer scheduling strategies…fight diminished.

Those “fights” are some of the reasons I developed the Start A Lawn Care Business guidebook and estimating software. My major frustrations were manily due to lack of knowledge and as I learned the business I vowed to help other entrepreneurs (like you) beat the fights and frustrations.

Sure, there will still be a few minor fights and a few minor frustrations along the way but if you start your business right, purchase the correct lawn care equipment, and negotiate the best prices with your lawn care customers, your lawn care business will be a much easier endevour.

If you are interested in having an easier time starting and operating your lawn care business, consider purchasing our lawn care business guidebook and estimating software. It will make your business (almost) fight free.

Live Strong and Fight!!!

Start A Successful Lawn Care Business

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Occupy Wall Street and Lawn Care Equipment (Occupy Lawn Care)

Leaf cleanup hampered by Occupy Wall Street

Leaf Cleanup Hampered by Occupy Wall Street

If you live in any major city in America, you probably have an “Occupy Wall Street” movement in your hometown. Whether you agree with the movement or not, there is something we can learn, as lawn care professionals, about the encampments that sprung up around America during October and November.

I visited our local courthouse this morning to survey leaf cleanup, lawn care, and landscaping needs that the city is experiencing. Though I had heard about our local “Occupy” movement, I had not realized the grounds of the courthouse had become so populated with protesters. Strewn across the grassy (and leaf covered) court house grounds are 30 to 40 tents acting as temporary housing for “Occupy” residents.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when a lawn care customer walks around the lawn when I am trying to cut the grass or blow the leaves. Lawn care equipment is dangerous enough without my having to be distracted by customers wandering all over their lawns while I am trying to work. Can you imagine mowing grass and blowing leaves while Occupiers strolling around the grounds holding signs and chanting protest songs? Can you imagine operating a 200 mph commercial backpack leaf blower while attempting to keep their tents and belongings from blowing off the grass and onto the street?

Occupy Lawn Care

Occupy Lawn Care

Anyway, my main point is that when you are performing your lawn care jobs for your customers, you need to keep your head about you and be cautious of the damage your lawn care equipment can inflict.

Do you want to learn more about starting your own lawn care company? Visit our main website and consider purchasing our professionally produced lawn care business guidebook, tutorial, and estimating software….and watch out for those protesters.

Occupy Wall Street and The Lawn Care Industry

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Starting a Lawn Care Business During Winter (December, January, February)

Hi Everyone:

This is Keith from SALCB.

If you have ever thought about starting a lawn care business or if you currently own a lawn care company and are thinking about expanding your business in the coming year, the next few months (December, January, and February) are target rich months for: performing winter cleanup jobs for your current customers, purchasing used and last year’s model LC equipment, securing new (larger scale) contracts.

Additionally, the customers you acquire during the winter months will be your first customers once spring rolls around. This will give you a solid customer base to grow your business.

Don’t ignore the next few months. You can still make a lot of money during the winter and you will be ready to go in the spring.

My company started our lawn care company 1992. We started small and grew rapidly. We have developed a professionally produced lawn care business guidebook and estimating software package. If you are having problems starting your business, acquiring customers, choosing equipment, doing the work properly and efficiently, and estimating your prices, visit our website to learn more about the lawn care business program.

Once again, our website address is: Start A Lawn Care Business.com

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